TRUE Support Services

TRUE is committed to delivering superior products to our customers as well as providing superior technical support. Our software is created with the highest standards to ensure quality solutions and we are dedicated to providing the same level of effort in our support services.

TRUE users who participate in our maintenance program receive free upgrades to the latest versions of our software. We continually enhance our software so that our customers benefit from the most efficient and capable technology available.


In addition to free software updates, TRUE users also receive comprehensive support from our experienced support staff. We offer free live support within the United States that can be accessed via phone, email, or web meetings, giving our customers a range of options that are suited for any need. The support staff will diagnose, troubleshoot, and resolve technical issue with the software, as well as answer any general questions.

Support Hours

Excluding US federal holidays and other TRUE holidays, company support hours and contact information are as follows:

Monday – Friday from 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM ET

Support email: support@TRUE.AI

Support Phone #: (929) 241-0318

Clients under support need to submit support tickets which are evaluated on a case by case basis, based on severity.

Contact Persons

For effective client support, TRUE requires a single point of contact at the client who has familiarity with our product and will be responsible for submitting any support issues. If a fix is provided for a reported bug, the client support representative will be responsible for confirming that the fix was applied, tested, and either fixed or did not fix the reported bug.


For TRUE to analyze and fix client issues in a timely manner, our support services group require original data that exhibit the reported issue. Specifically, if a dataset does not process correctly with respect to any automated function, including classification, splitting, data extraction, analytics, output format conversion, etc., our support group requires the dataset that produced the error and the ability to deterministically replicate the problem.

For clients with PII or other sensitive information, it is the responsibility of the client to provide data that has been redacted or otherwise de-sensitized but still exhibits the problematic behavior in a deterministically reproducible manner.

Program Environment

TRUE will make its best effort to replicate the client’s environment and, in this environment, replicate the issue being reported. Having said that, it is virtually impossible to replicate a client’s environment exactly due to factors in the program environment that often cannot be precisely replicated, including anti-virus software and administrative protections. TRUE cannot diagnose or attempt to fix any reported problem that our support services group cannot reliably and deterministically reproduce in our environment.

SoftWare & Hardware Compatibility

Appropriate use of TRUE’s software requires that the client follow the supported hardware and operating system platforms. For your Trapeze product, recommended hardware and software specifications are available upon request.


Client will not disclose to TRUE any information that is confidential to the client or any third party.

Support Services Severity Levels

All service requests logged with support are assigned a severity level from 1 to 3 based on the impact experienced by your business. The initial severity level is determined by the customer when placing a request for assistance. After initial contact and assessment of the issue from a TRUE Support Engineer, severity levels may be changed.

The following table defines the severity levels and the targeted initial response time for Trapeze product support. It is helpful to clearly explain the business impact of your issue when contacting the TRUE Support Services.

Note on Severity Levels

As our Trapeze software provides semi-automated solutions for complex knowledge-based problems, all solutions are by definition semi-automated, normally requiring some level of human validation and diligence. As such, any recognition errors reported, whether in classification, document splitting, data extraction, confidence, auto-validation etc., would be of severity level 3. This is because all recognition systems have inherent error rates, and as a semi-automated solution this is to be expected as part of normal system performance.

Any recognition errors will be logged, in the aggregate, as Sev3 issues where, under regression testing on all reported instances, overall recognition rates for classification, data extraction etc., are expected to improve with each new version product release. This improvement is based on overall regression statistics and, therefore, reporting these issues will result in product accuracy enhancements over time.

This does not imply that all recognition issues can be addressed in a new product release, or that there is no outlier regression, namely, individual documents in an updated release where recognition rates are actually lower.


Severity Level Description Support Response Time
Level 1 Critical business impact

For a problem to be considered as a Severity Level 1 (Sev1) issue, the following subject must be added to the support ticket:

Support Sev1: [Brief Description of the Issue]

All Sev1 reported bugs will be acknowledge within 2 hours of submission and analyzed for the purpose of replicating the problem and confirming severity within 24 hours.

Severity Level 1 problems could have the following characteristics:

  • System crash
  • Workflow malfunction
  • No workaround is available

Note: Since Trapeze features and functions enable the client to semi-automate knowledge-based processes, some degree of human involvement is always presumed. Essentially, any semi-automated system requires oversight and correction. To the extent that a process workflow supports human validation and correction, such a problem would never be considered a Sev1 issue.

Any problem reported and confirmed as Sev 1 will be handled by TRUE with the highest priority until the customer is given a fix or workaround. Customer resources must be made available in Sev 1 situations and client must reasonably cooperate to help resolve the issue.

Once our support engineer classifies the reported issue as Sev 1, TRUE will attempt to fix the problem within 3 business days.

Within 2 hours
Level 2 Non-Critical Business Impact:

Product features are unavailable but a workaround exists and the majority of software functions are still useable. Minor function/feature failure that the customer can easily circumvent or avoid. Customer’s work has minor loss of operational functionality.

Severity Level 2 problems could have the following characteristics:

  • Error message with workaround
  • Minimal performance degradation
  • Incorrect product behavior with minor impact
Within 2 business days
Level 3 Nominal business Impact:

Minor problem or question that does not affect the software function such as How To’s, documentation, general questions, or enhancement requests. There is no impact to product usage or customer’s operations.

Severity Level 3 problems could have the following characteristics:

  • General requests for advice on product usage
  • Clarification on product documentation or release notes
  • Recognition errors
  • Product enhancement request
Within 5 business  days
Submission to Support Services

All issues must be submitted to support@TRUE.AI.

Sample submission report for T4MA clients is shown below:


Date Doc Type Field Description Sample files /Screenshots location Severity (Sev1,Sev2,Sev3)

To streamline the support process, clients should not submit multiple instances of the same problem. Each specific problem is to be submitted as a row of the Excel spreadsheet, with each instance of the problem reported as a column in the table.


118-35 Queens Blvd., 14th Floor
Forest Hills, NY 11375


Email: support@TRUE.AI

Phone: +1 (929) 241-0318