
The Chrisman Commentary: Productive Solutions for Today’s Lending Challenges

Bob Noble, SVP of Product and Innovation at TRUE, podcast setup for appearance on The Chrisman Commentary

The mortgage industry is experiencing a fresh cycle of change. Bob Noble, SVP of Product and Innovation at TRUE, was a guest on The Chrisman Commentary for a special two-part interview exploring how solutions to today’s challenges will result in a leaner, more productive industry in the future.  

Episode 1: The data blocker to lending automation 

Bob highlighted the problem of the borrower data bottleneck, which holds lenders back in good times and bad. Making the case that now is the time to invest for a more elastic business model, he explained how artificial intelligence (AI) is helping lenders adapt to changes in demand without the costs and disruption of removing and adding people.  

Episode 2: What happens when AI powers lending intelligence 

Expanding on the outcomes of bringing AI into lending, Bob talked about the benefits for costs, customer experience, and innovation once mortgage providers can rapidly and affordably access high quality customer data. He explained how AI and human skills will combine to make a more profitable industry that better serves borrowers. 

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